How not to get my money.

Written By: admin - Mar• 27•13

Part of my decline into Oooooold has involved an increase in the number of pills I take a day. I gave up last year and bought one of those pill cases that has not just a compartment for every day, but two compartments for every day, so you can fit in the breakfast pills and the bedtime ones in different compartments. So I saw these from a distance and thought that they might be right up my alley until OH NO THEY DIDN’T.


First of all, can we talk about the fact that “pod” is a real word, not an acronym, so it actually doesn’t need to be in all capital letters? I mean, aside from the blisteringly obvious THAT IS NOT HOW YOU USE AN APOSTROPHE.

And fear not, RPBers. I did the dirty, dirty job of checking the prominently advertised website to see if the error is reproduced online and wasn’t just an extremely unfortunate typo on product packaging (which you really, really should double-check, if you make a product).


But this is where it gets interesting. Let’s break this down for a minute.

At the RED ARROW, we have improper capitalization and an improperly used apostrophe.

At the BLUE ARROW, we have the improper capitalization, but the apostrophe has been spared.

And then we have the part I’ve underlined in pink, which features a properly capitalized acronym with  acceptable use of an apostrophe!

I can only conclude that the copywriters at have decided to cover every single punctuation base they could imagine. Well done!

I fear for this person’s sanity.

Written By: admin - Mar• 22•13

Jake’s first-ever submission was bad enough. It really was. Now his second submission comes with the horrifying explanation that he sees this every day at work.

Jake says:

The sign is ABOUT mistakes! Was it on purpose?

I have no idea, Jake, but I can tell you that if I had to see this every day I’d rapidly end up in a field beating the living daylights out of a printer with a baseball bat. You know?

Your zen moment for this Wednesday

Written By: admin - Mar• 20•13

I just don’t even with this one.

Reporter #1 notes “It’s not just the weirdness, it’s the inconsistency.”

You certainly have a point, Reporter #1. But it’s also the weirdness. I’m so confused. Does anybody have any light to shed on this?

Oh yeah!

Written By: admin - Mar• 18•13

This is one I see a lot, actually. I always wonder to myself, “I wonder what alarmed it? And how can I help calm it down?”

A quick search seems to indicate that I’ve never bothered to photograph any of the times I’ve seen this and had my little internal conversation. So thanks much to Lisa R. for sending this one in.

It’s an especially lovely specimen because of the BONUS poor construction that gives us “Do not pass unless: to carriers of a ‘fob’.”

Which: no.

You can lead a horse to water

Written By: admin - Mar• 13•13

Reporter #1 was playing my game of trying to explain away the horror on some signage. Surely there must be an excuse. Right? RIGHT?

I was ready to make the case for this being right because it COULD be saying that “panini is italian for sandwich”… except for the pesky quotes… and the fact that they apostrophized it in the rest of the text as well.

You can’t make them drink, Reporter #1. You just have to let them figure it out.

Also, the capitalization annoys me!

The shady side of the sundial

Written By: admin - Mar• 11•13

For those of you not living in Atlanta: the Sundial is a restaurant at the very top of the Westin hotel. It revolves. It isn’t one of Atlanta’s cheapest dining establishments. So Rayanne isn’t wrong to exclaim

…when you charge $6 for an elevator ride, shouldn’t you be able to pay for a copy editor?

It’s worth noting that Rayanne found this and sent it to me quite a while ago, and the error is still quite live on their website. Noice!

There’s an app for that.

Written By: admin - Mar• 08•13

There’s an app for everything. Seriously. Don’t try to prove me wrong by searching for something disgusting or ludicrous, because I promise there will be an app, and then you will despair of humanity.

In addition to a lot of crazy apps, there are a lot of consumers with unfortunately low standards. In fact, in the Apple App Store, Reporter #1 found

…25,930 people who care more about what their dreams mean than about the finer points of grammar.

DON’T CLICK, Reporter #1! Run away!

You’re good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you.

Written By: admin - Mar• 06•13

Your thought for today: sometimes it’s possible to spell a word totally correctly and still be very, very wrong.

Hanna B. shows us how.

Apparently this is a very common error, but it cracks me up. Maybe I notice it because as a mathematician I actually use “complement” as in “thing that completes” fairly frequently?

All I know is, I was really hoping there’d be someone standing by the table, saying, “You look lovely today!” to people who pass by.

I was disappointed.

I am extremely disappointed right along with you, Hanna.

New words still have rules, y’all.

Written By: admin - Mar• 01•13

Reporter #1 did the circling here, and she’s absolutely right. I don’t care if you can find the word “crockpotting” in your dictionary or not, it still is obviously going to need two of the letter t. It’s not even completely out of left field! One pots a plant, and that’s plant potting.

So there’s that. But Reporter #1 says the bad spelling “litters the site.” She’s highlighted some more for us.

I don’t know if Reporter #1 missed it or was just too tired to continue weilding her, ahem, blue pen, but there’s a little abused apostrophe in “photo’s” up there too!

But… they make poffertjes! and wooden shoes!

Written By: admin - Feb• 27•13

Colleen submits this on behalf of Diane.

Diane spotted this gem in The Reporter, the newspaper for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

I’ve been to the Netherlands. Even if you’re going to go with “Holland” instead, they deserve better than a misspelling and a missed comma!

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